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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Taming the climate change

By Monica Soila

The Climate Adaptation Project (CAPro) was started in October 2013, in Isinya by Egerton/Laikipia University to counter the adverse effects of climate change.
a tank for harvesting rainwater for drip irrigation

The project is carried out in five counties: Bungoma, Nakuru, Embu, Kajiado and Kilifi.It mostly work through demonstration plots and contact farmers. In Kajiado County the project is in two areas, Isinya and Namanga. There is a 1/2-acre demonstration plot in Multipurpose, Isinya where crops such as cassava, sweet potatoes, sorghum, maize, pigeon peas, just to mention a few, are grown.
sorghum planted in the demonstration plot
In Namanga, Galla goats are kept by the contact farmers, courtesy of the project.
sweet potatoes

This year, CAPro started seed bulking scheme  in Isinya whereby contact farmers were given katumani beans and green grams seeds, a kilogram of each after which they will return the 2 kg seeds to the project after harvesting so that other farmers around are issued with the same. This seeks to spread these drought resistant types of crops throughout the county. The seeds are of diverse varieties so the farmers were urged to exchange between themselves so as to have different crop varieties.
Mr.Benson Mwangi(extreme left),from Ministry of Agriculture with some of the contact farmers

 The community is changing and adopting to changing times because there is always a solution for everything.

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